20 Air Asia Cabin Crew Interview Questions And Answers

Published by Paresh Baidya on

Hello, are you looking for AirAsia cabin crew jobs? Then here in this article, I am gonna tell you about the Air Asia cabin crew interview questions and answers list for freshers in 2024. Which will help you to become an AirAsia cabin crew as fresher males and females. So, you need to read this article before applying or attending the AirAsia cabin crew interview in 2024.

The interview questions for Air Asia cabin crew positions typically cover a range of topics, including situational scenarios, customer service scenarios, and personal experience-based questions. These questions aim to assess candidates’ suitability for the role and their ability to handle the demands of the job.

Air Asia is a low-cost airline based in Malaysia that operates domestic and international flights to over 165 destinations in 25 countries. As with any airline, Air Asia’s cabin crew plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, comfort, and overall experience of passengers on board.

air asia cabin crew interview questions answers

To become a cabin crew member for Air Asia, candidates must pass a rigorous interview process that assesses their communication skills, customer service orientation, problem-solving ability, and teamwork aptitude, among other attributes.

Air Asia Cabin Crew Interview Questions list

  1. Why do you want to become a cabin crew member for Air Asia?
  2. What do you know about Air Asia’s mission and values?
  3. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is unhappy with their seat assignment?
  4. Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer and how you handled it?
  5. How do you ensure passenger safety during takeoff and landing?
  6. How would you handle a medical emergency on board the aircraft?
  7. What would you do if you noticed a passenger trying to sneak onto the aircraft without a ticket?
  8. Can you describe a time when you had to work effectively in a team?
  9. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is being disruptive or unruly?
  10. How do you manage your time and prioritize tasks while on board the aircraft?
  11. What do you think are the most important qualities for a cabin crew member to possess?
  12. How do you ensure that passengers have a positive experience while on board the aircraft?
  13. How would you handle a situation where you notice a safety hazard on board the aircraft?
  14. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a sudden change in plans?
  15. How do you handle stressful situations, such as flight delays or cancellations?
  16. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond to provide excellent customer service?
  17. What would you do if you noticed a colleague not following safety procedures?
  18. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is requesting a service that is not normally provided?
  19. Can you describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict with a coworker?
  20. What do you think sets Air Asia apart from other airlines, and how would you contribute to the company’s success?

Here is the list of Qatar Airways open day lists for cabin crew but remember before attending this interview please check this article and prepare yourself for the cabin crew interview questions and answers.

<<Get 101 Questions and Answers for your Cabin Crew Interview>>

Air Asia Cabin Crew Interview Questions And Answers

Q. Why do you want to become a cabin crew member for Air Asia?

I want to become a cabin crew member for Air Asia because I am passionate about providing excellent customer service and ensuring that passengers have a safe and comfortable experience. I am also excited about the opportunity to work for a reputable airline that has a strong commitment to providing affordable travel options.

I believe that Air Asia is a company that values its employees and provides opportunities for growth and development. Additionally, I am drawn to the diverse and dynamic work environment that comes with being a cabin crew member, and I am eager to contribute my skills and abilities to the team.

Q. What do you know about Air Asia’s mission and values?

Air Asia’s mission is to provide affordable air travel to everyone while prioritizing safety, customer service, and operational efficiency. The company values safety, integrity, passion, and teamwork. They aim to make air travel accessible to as many people as possible while maintaining high standards of service. The airline encourages its employees to be passionate, strive for excellence, and take ownership of their responsibilities. Air Asia operates in a highly collaborative environment where every team member plays an important role in achieving the company’s goals.

Q. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is unhappy with their seat assignment?

If a passenger is unhappy with their seat assignment, I would first empathize with their concern and apologize for any inconvenience. I would then try to understand the reason for their dissatisfaction, and if possible, offer them a reasonable solution, such as finding an alternative seat that better meets their needs or preferences.

If there are no other available seats, I would explain the reason and reassure the passenger that their assigned seat is safe and comfortable. I would also offer them additional amenities or services, such as a complimentary meal or an upgrade to a higher class if appropriate, to help mitigate their concerns.
Throughout the interaction, I would remain professional, polite, and respectful, and do my best to ensure that the passenger feels heard and valued. Ultimately, my goal would be to resolve the issue to the passenger’s satisfaction while maintaining a positive and friendly atmosphere on board the aircraft.

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Q. Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer and how you handled it?

During my previous role as a customer service representative, I had to deal with a customer who was very upset about a billing issue. The customer was raising their voice and making demands that were beyond my authority to fulfill. I remained calm and professional throughout the interaction, and I actively listened to the customer’s concerns.

I apologized for any inconvenience and offered to investigate the issue further. I then explained the steps I would take to resolve the issue, including contacting the relevant department and following up with the customer within a specified timeframe. I also offered the customer some additional compensation, such as a discount on their next purchase, to help appease their frustration.

By showing empathy, taking ownership of the situation, and offering a resolution, I was able to de-escalate the customer’s emotions and ultimately resolve the issue to their satisfaction. I believe that effective communication, active listening, and a willingness to take ownership are key to handling difficult customers.

Q. How do you ensure passenger safety during takeoff and landing?

During takeoff and landing, cabin crew members play a critical role in ensuring passenger safety. Before takeoff, the crew conducts a safety briefing that includes information on the use of seat belts, emergency exits, oxygen masks, and life vests. The crew also checks that all passengers have fastened their seat belts, their seats are upright, and their tray tables are stowed.

During takeoff and landing, the cabin crew is seated and attentive, ready to assist passengers in case of an emergency. They also monitor the cabin for any signs of safety hazards, such as loose objects or smoking. If necessary, the crew will instruct passengers to assume a brace position or evacuate the aircraft.

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Q. How would you handle a medical emergency on board the aircraft?

If a medical emergency occurs on board the aircraft, my priority as a cabin crew member would be to assess the situation and ensure the safety and well-being of the affected passenger.

I would immediately notify the flight crew and the captain, and request any medical assistance that may be available on board or on the ground. I would also try to gather as much information as possible about the nature of the medical emergency, such as the symptoms, medical history, and any medications or allergies that the passenger may have.

If necessary, I would also activate the aircraft’s medical kit and oxygen supply, and prepare the cabin for any emergency procedures, such as an emergency landing or evacuation.

Throughout the situation, I would remain calm, reassuring, and professional, and communicate clearly with the passenger and other crew members. I would also maintain the privacy and dignity of the affected passenger, and provide any assistance or support that may be necessary, such as administering first aid, comforting them, or helping them to move to a more comfortable position.

Q. What would you do if you noticed a passenger trying to sneak onto the aircraft without a ticket?

If I noticed a passenger trying to sneak onto the aircraft without a ticket, my first priority as a cabin crew member would be to ensure the safety and security of all passengers and crew on board. I would approach the passenger and politely ask them to present their boarding pass or ticket.

If the passenger is unable to present a valid boarding pass or ticket, I will inform the flight crew and the captain immediately. The flight crew would then coordinate with the ground staff and airport security to remove the passenger from the aircraft and address the situation according to airline policy.

Q. Can you describe a time when you had to work effectively in a team?

In my previous job, I was part of a team that was responsible for organizing a large-scale charity event. Our team consisted of people from different departments, with different skill sets and work styles. We had to work together to plan and execute the event, from securing sponsors to managing logistics and coordinating volunteers.

To work effectively as a team, we had regular meetings to discuss our progress, set goals, and assign tasks. We also established clear communication channels, using email and messaging tools to keep each other updated on important developments.

One of the biggest challenges we faced was coordinating a large number of volunteers on the day of the event. We had to make sure that everyone knew their roles and responsibilities, and that they were equipped with the information and resources they needed to do their jobs. To achieve this, we developed a detailed volunteer handbook and conducted a comprehensive training session.

Q. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is being disruptive or unruly?

If a passenger is being disruptive or unruly, I would assess the situation and ensure the safety of all passengers and crew. I would approach the passenger calmly and respectfully, try to defuse the situation, and inform the flight crew and captain if necessary. I would remain professional, non-judgmental, and respectful of the passenger’s privacy and dignity while following airline policies and procedures.

Q. How do you manage your time and prioritize tasks while on board the aircraft?

As a cabin crew member, managing time and prioritizing tasks is essential for ensuring a smooth and efficient flight. Here are a few strategies I would use:

  • Make a plan: Before the flight, I would review the itinerary, schedule, and passenger manifest, and create a plan for the tasks that need to be completed. This would help me prioritize tasks and ensure that everything is done on time.
  • Use checklists: Checklists can be an effective way to stay organized and ensure that no task is overlooked. I would use a checklist for tasks such as safety checks, food and beverage service, and cabin preparation.
  • Stay focused: During the flight, I would stay focused on the tasks at hand and avoid getting distracted by non-essential activities. This would help me use my time more efficiently and get everything done on schedule.
  • Communicate with the team: Effective communication with other cabin crew members is essential for coordinating tasks and avoiding duplication of effort. I would keep the team informed about my progress and work collaboratively to ensure that everything is completed on time.

Q. What do you think are the most important qualities for a cabin crew member to possess?

Some of the most important qualities for a cabin crew member to possess include strong communication skills, excellent customer service skills, the ability to remain calm under pressure, a positive and friendly attitude, flexibility and adaptability, attention to detail, and a commitment to safety and security. Additionally, language skills, cultural awareness, and problem-solving abilities are also valuable assets for a cabin crew member to have.

Q. How do you ensure that passengers have a positive experience while on board the aircraft?

As a cabin crew member, there are several ways I would ensure that passengers have a positive experience while on board the aircraft:

  • Excellent customer service: I would always greet passengers with a smile and friendly demeanor, listen to their needs and concerns, and go above and beyond to ensure their comfort and satisfaction.
  • Attention to detail: I would pay close attention to the small details that make a big difference, such as keeping the cabin clean and tidy, providing extra pillows and blankets, and ensuring that food and beverage service is prompt and of high quality.
  • Personalization: I would try to personalize the experience for each passenger, such as by remembering their name, preferences, and special requests, and providing personalized recommendations for food, entertainment, and other amenities.
  • Safety and security: I would prioritize the safety and security of all passengers and communicate any important information or updates clearly and calmly.

Q. How would you handle a situation where you notice a safety hazard on board the aircraft?

If I notice a safety hazard on board the aircraft, I would take the following steps:

  • Assess the situation: I would quickly and calmly assess the situation to determine the nature and severity of the hazard and whether any immediate action is necessary.
  • Inform the captain and crew: I would inform the captain and other crew members of the hazard and provide as much detail as possible so that they can take appropriate action to address the situation.
  • Follow procedures: I would follow established airline procedures for addressing safety hazards, such as securing loose items, extinguishing fires, or administering first aid.
  • Communicate with passengers: If the hazard affects passenger safety, I would communicate clearly and calmly with passengers, providing any necessary instructions or reassurance to ensure their safety and well-being.

Here you can check out Air Asia’s latest cabin crew job vacancy for fresher males and females.

Q. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a sudden change in plans?

Yes, there was a time when I was working on a flight and we encountered unexpected weather conditions, which caused our flight route to be changed. As a result, we had to quickly adapt to the new situation and communicate the changes to passengers while ensuring their safety and comfort.

To do this, I worked closely with the captain and other crew members to get updated information about the situation and to make necessary adjustments to our procedures and plans. We communicated the changes to passengers clearly and calmly, providing them with as much information as possible about the new route and estimated arrival time.

Throughout the flight, I remained flexible and adaptable, working with the rest of the crew to ensure that all passengers were comfortable, safe, and informed. While the sudden change in plans was challenging, I believe that my ability to adapt quickly and work well in a team helped to ensure a successful outcome.

Here you can check out Air Asia’s official page for vacancy update

Q. How do you handle stressful situations, such as flight delays or cancellations?

To handle stressful situations such as flight delays or cancellations, I take the following steps:

  • Remain calm and professional: I maintain a calm and professional demeanor, both in my interactions with passengers and in my mindset.
  • Provide clear and accurate information: I communicate clearly and accurately with passengers, providing them with up-to-date information about the situation, as well as any alternative travel options or accommodations that may be available.
  • Show empathy and understanding: I understand that flight delays and cancellations can be stressful for passengers, so I show empathy and understanding, listening to their concerns and working to find solutions that meet their needs as much as possible.
  • Prioritize safety and security: While dealing with stressful situations, I never compromise on safety and security. This means following all necessary procedures and protocols and making sure that passengers are safe and secure at all times.

Q. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond to provide excellent customer service?

Yes, there was a time when a passenger on my flight was traveling with a young child who was feeling sick and uncomfortable during the flight. As a result, I took extra steps to provide excellent customer service, going above and beyond my usual duties.

I checked on the child regularly throughout the flight, providing extra blankets and pillows to make them as comfortable as possible. I also offered to bring them water and snacks and engaged them in conversation to distract them from their discomfort.

When we landed, I helped the passenger with their bags and offered to escort them to the airport’s medical center if necessary. I also provided them with contact information for our airline’s customer service team, in case they needed any further assistance.

Overall, by taking these extra steps to provide excellent customer service, I was able to help the passenger and their child feel more comfortable and cared for during the flight and to ensure that they had a positive experience with our airline.

Q. What would you do if you noticed a colleague not following safety procedures?

If I noticed a colleague not following safety procedures, I would take the following steps:

  • Approach the colleague: I would approach the colleague calmly and professionally, and ask them to explain their actions. I would also remind them of the safety procedures that are in place, and explain why it is important to follow them.
  • Report the incident: If the colleague’s behavior was not corrected, or if it posed an immediate risk to safety, I would report the incident to a supervisor or other responsible party as soon as possible.
  • Offer support: I would offer support to the colleague, and try to understand why they were not following the safety procedures. It is possible that they were not aware of the correct procedures, or that there was a misunderstanding that could be resolved through communication and education.

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Q. How would you handle a situation where a passenger is requesting a service that is not normally provided?

If a passenger is requesting a service that is not normally provided, I would take the following steps:

  • Listen to the passenger’s request: I would listen to the passenger’s request, and try to understand their needs and concerns. If the request is unclear or difficult to understand, I would ask clarifying questions to ensure that I have a clear understanding of the situation.
  • Check with my supervisor: If the service requested is not normally provided, I would check with my supervisor to see if it is possible to accommodate the passenger’s request. I would explain the situation to my supervisor provide any necessary details, and ask for their guidance on how to proceed.
  • Explain the situation to the passenger: If the service cannot be provided, I would explain the situation to the passenger clearly and respectfully, and offer any alternative solutions that may be available.

Q. Can you describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict with a coworker?

  • Identify the issue: It is important to identify the specific issue or problem that is causing the conflict. This can be done by listening to both sides and gathering as much information as possible.
  • Communicate clearly: Once the issue has been identified, it is important to communicate clearly and respectfully with the coworker. This can involve discussing the issue calmly and professionally and working together to find a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Seek mediation: If the conflict cannot be resolved through direct communication, it may be necessary to seek mediation from a supervisor or other neutral party. A mediator can help to facilitate communication and find a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Q. What do you think sets Air Asia apart from other airlines, and how would you contribute to the company’s success?

To contribute to Air Asia’s success, I would bring a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, and a commitment to providing outstanding customer service. I would also work to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices, and be open to learning new skills and taking on new challenges as needed. Ultimately, my goal would be to help Air Asia continue to grow and succeed by providing top-notch service to every passenger, every time.

<<Get 101 Questions and Answers for your Cabin Crew Interview>>

Here you can check out the air hostess dress code to attend an interview or an open day.

I think this article will give you a detailed idea about Air Asia cabin crew interview questions and answers, which will help you to become a cabin crew.

Do you have any questions to ask me? related to Aviation jobs or airline jobs. Then feel free to comment in the comment box or you can contact me on my Facebook page and YouTube channel by the same name. Also, I request you share this article with all your friends and help them to join the Aviation Industry.

Paresh Baidya

Hello, Everyone I am Paresh Baidya. And an Experienced Airlines Staff.Apart from that, I am a YouTuber and Blogger of AVIATION DREAMER. And I love to making video and writing on the different topic and my hobbies are listening to music and traveling through the country.


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