Air India Cabin Crew Interview for Fresher in March 2025 – Full Details

Here you will get full information about the Air India cabin crew interview in March 2025 for freshers. Friends, if you are looking for the latest Air India job, please check this article in detail. As all of you know now Air India is well known for their service and comfortable. So I think this will be a great opportunity for all the Indian fresher males and females to become an Air India air hostess.

If you would like to become an Air India cabin crew member, please read this article until the end. This is a walk-in interview for freshers and experienced candidates.

This article provides full details about Air India recruitment, including the interview date, location, eligibility criteria, required documents, essential tips, and much more.

air india cabin crew

Eligibility Criteria for Air India Cabin Crew Vacancy

  • Age Limit (As of 01.09.2019) for
  • General/EWS – between 18 and 35 years
  • OBC – between 18 and 38 years
  • SC/ST – between 18 and 40 years
  • Ex-SM – As per Government Guidelines
  • Educational Qualification – Graduate/Diploma in Hotel Management from a recognized/reputed University/ Institution
  • Experience – Minimum 5 years Post Qualification experience in Hotel Management/Hospitality Services/Airlines Business/Similar experiences. Preference would be given to Personnel from the Airline or Hotel Industry.
  • OR
  • For Senior Level Position: Minimum 15 years of aviation experience with adequate Experience in cabin cleaning (Aviation) at a Senior level position (Cabin Supervisor / Cabin Manager).
  • Language Proficiency – Should have proficiency in English and Hindi.
  • Height – not below 158 cm. for Males and 152.5 cm. for Female Candidates (Relaxation in the height of 2.5 cms. to SC/ST and belonging from North-East Region Candidates)

Check here for the Indigo Airlines ground staff walk-in interview, and some exited interview tips will help you attend this interview. Also, you can check out the Indigo airline ground staff interview round steps here.

Air India Cabin Crew Interview Update in March 2025

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – Guwahati
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – Amritsar
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – Mumbai
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – Chennai
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – New Delhi
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Company Name – Air India
Job Title – Cabin Crew
Job Location – New Delhi
Interview Dates – March 2025
Interview Time – 9:30 AM TO 12:30 PM
Apply Process – Check Here

Selection Procedure of Air India Air Hostess

  1. Group Discussion followed by (Rounds -1)
  2. Skill Assessment (Rounds -2)
  3. Pre-Employment Medical Examination (Rounds -3)

How to Apply for Air India Recruitment

  • Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria mentioned above, as of January 2025, are required to WALK-IN in Person to the venue on the mentioned date and time with the Application Form duly filled in & copies of the testimonials/certificates (as per the attached application format with this advertisement). Download the Air India cabin crew application form by clicking here.
  • These all are walk-in interviews of the Air India cabin crew. So, you need to register your name and then you can attend the interview.

Check out the airline’s official page for new job updates – Click Here

Note – Candidates, who meet the eligibility criteria, are informed to attend the Walk-In-In-Interview as per the schedule given above. In case of reporting a large number of candidates, the selection process may spread over to

successive day(s) candidates are advised to note this, and they may have to stay back at their own cost and arrangements, or management may decide to call the candidates later if it is so necessitated.

Note – if you don’t have a professional resume, you can download a free resume from here. Also, you can send me your details at I will make your resume within two working days, but it will cost you only $8.55. (payment method only PayPal and Internet banking) and for Indians, it will cost Rs 400 only.

Important Instructions for Air India Recruitment Before Appearing for Walk-in

  • A recent (not more than three months old) colored passport-size photograph of the full face (front view) should be pasted neatly in the space provided in the Application Form.
  • At the time of the walk-in interview, the candidates belonging to OBC categories must submit a self–attested photocopy of the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate, recently issued by the Competent Authority in the format as prescribed by Govt. of India. The Certificate, among other things, must expressly state that the candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservations for
  • OBC in civil posts and services under the Government of India. The Certificate should also contain the “Non-Creamy Layer” Clause. The Certificate produced by the OBC community candidates should be as per the Central List published by the Government of India and not as per the State Lists.
  • Applicants ordinarily domiciled in Kashmir Division of J & K State from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 who are eligible for the upper age relaxation must produce the Domicile Certificate to this effect at the time of Interview from the District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division, with whose jurisdiction the applicant had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this regard by the Government of Jammu &Kashmir.
  • The applicant should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria as of 1st September 2019. Other particulars furnished should be correct in all respects. At any stage of the Selection Process, if the details provided by the candidates in the Application or testimonials supplied are found incorrect/false or do not meet the eligibility requirements prescribed for the posts, the candidatures are liable to be rejected and, if engaged, services terminated, without giving any notice or reasons therefore.
  • Self-attested exact copies of the supportive documents regarding Educational Qualification, Relevant Experience (mentioning the post /designation held, the period of experience, and seal of the Company), etc., must be submitted along with the Application. Self–attested photocopy of the Caste Certificate should also be attached to the Application, in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates, and the income and assets certificate issued by competent authority for EWS candidates.
  • Original certificates are required to be brought, at the time of Walk-in (Group Discussion/Personal Interview), for verification purposes only. Still, the original should not be submitted/attached along with the Application. The Company is not responsible for returning any original copies of certificates/testimonials if presented with the Application.
  • Applicants working in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings or autonomous bodies must bring a completed Application Form routed through a proper channel or along with a ‘No Objection Certificate” from their present employer.

Here you check out the latest cabin crew interview questions and answers list for freshers.

Air India Cabin Crew Salary and Benefits

  • As a fresher, during the training period, the salary package is approx Rs.15000 to Rs.19000 p.m. I think this is very low as per the industry standard.
  • Rs.25 000/- p.m. for those not having 15 years of Aviation Experience. For an experienced Sr. Level Cabin Supervisor/Manager with a minimum of years of Aviation Experience/Cabin Experience, Emoluments would be commensurate with Aviation Experience years. They would be in line with the Fixed Term Technicians’ Cadre of the Company.


  • The vacancies put forth in this notification are indicative, which may decrease/ increase depending upon the Company’s work requirements.
  • Management reserves all right to make any decision about the conduct of this exercise, including interpretation of eligibility, postponement/cancellation of this exercise, and delete/alter any of the conditions of this exercise if so necessitated.
  • The selected candidates will be posted based on the requirements of the Company. Selection and empanelment do not guarantee that the candidate will be appointed. The release of the candidate for appointment from the select list would depend upon the decision of the Company and its business requirements at the material point of time, which decision would be final and binding.
  • Candidates found suitable and shortlisted will be engaged on a fixed-term contract basis for 05 years. The contract may be terminated at the discretion of the Management during the contract’s tenure and in the event of unsatisfactory performance.
  • The contract is extendable for a further term of 5 years depending upon the candidate’s satisfactory performance and the requirements of the Company.
  • vi) Candidates engaged on a fixed-term contract basis will be entitled to Provident Fund, Gratuity, and ESI/Mediclaim Policy, if applicable, as per the policy of the Company.
  • The job is transferable to any station in India, based on the Company’s requirements.
  • The candidates will have to make their arrangements for housing accommodation at the place of posting.
  • The Company, at its discretion, may assign additional duties as and when required.
  • SC/ST candidates who are reporting for Walk-in and residing beyond 80 KM from the venue of the test and not employed in any Government, Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Bodies will be reimbursed second class to & fro rail/ bus fare by the shortest route as per rules, on the production of document of travel. Candidates are also advised to submit a self-account canceled cheque/copy of the self-account cheque along with an appropriate reimbursement form.
  • Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the laid down procedure eligibility criteria prescribed for the post before reporting for Walk-in.
  • At any stage of the selection process, if it is found that the particulars furnished by the candidate in the Application Form or testimonials are incorrect/false or the candidate does not meet the Eligibility Criteria Prescribed for the post or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her application shall be summarily rejected without making any further reference.
  • Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing in any outside influence about further selecting the candidate shall be considered a DISQUALIFICATION.
  • Candidates will have to bear the cost of the Pre-Employment Medical Examination(s), which could be between Rs.3,000/- and Rs.5,000/-. If required, any additional tests will also have to be borne by the candidates.
  • Applications unsigned/incomplete/mutilated/received by post/courier services will not be considered.

If you are searching for an Indigo cabin crew interview, please check the article.

Required Document list to attend Air India Cabin Crew Interview

  • All original qualification (Education) certificates as per eligibility criteria.
  • All original experience certificates.
  • Proof of Date of Birth.
  • Caste certificate, if applicable.
  • Proof of Permanent and Present Address.
  • 2 Passport Size photographs.
  • ID Proof (PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Passport, etc.)
  • Service Discharge Book (Only for Ex-Servicemen)


  1. How can I apply for cabin crew in Air India?

    Friends to apply for Air India cabin crew first you need to follow the airline’s official website. Also, you can keep connected with for the latest aviation job updates. Once the vacancy is available apply as per the instructions provided by the airline.

  2. How can I apply for cabin crew in Air India?

    Friends most of the time, Air India hires cabin crew by walk-in interview. You need to check the details and keep a printout application form, and you need to care for this form and your documents to attend the interview. To get an Air India cabin crew interview update, please click here.

  3. Does Air India hire a male cabin crew?

    Yes, Air India hires a male cabin crew but not every time. You need to update with there career page.

  4. What is cabin crew in India?

    The cabin crew is the staff of the airline, who are responsible for serving airline passengers onboard. Also, they are responsible for passenger safety and security.

  5. Can 5’2 be a cabin crew?

    People 5,2 ‘tall can be cabin crew. For that, he has to find an airline that employs people of this height. I know the number of airlines is very low. But if you are looking for a job with a small airline or a private airline then you will have the advantage of getting the right job depending on your height.

  6. Can an air hostess marry?

    Yes, an air hostess can get married. But for that, they have to accept some conditions. That is, air hostesses will be allowed to marry on the condition that they have worked for four years and – caught here – that they will not become pregnant.

  7. What are the minimum requirements to be a flight attendant?

    You will find Air Asia’s requirements criteria in the section above. But it is in terms of basic criteria.
    Education passed high school.
    1. Good communication skills in English.
    2. Minimum age of 18 years. For international airlines, it’s 21 years.
    3. You should know how to swim, have good health conditions, and have a stunning personality.
    4. Weight according to BMI.

  8. Is cabin crew a permanent job?

    It depends entirely on the airline. But yes most airlines hire cabin crew permanently and some airlines hire cabin crew on a contract basis.

  9. Can I be a flight attendant if I’m fat?

    Sorry, the answer is no. Because to be a flight attendant your weight must be proportional to your height and you must be able to perform the duties of a flight attendant effectively.

  10. Do flight attendants need perfect teeth?

    No. The airline never tells you that you should have just perfect teeth. But yes, airlines look for candidates with good and presentable teeth and a healthy smile.

  11. Is a married girl can apply for the Air Asia air hostess?

    Yes, of course, you can apply for an Air Asia Air Hostess job after completing a 10 + 2 / Higher Secondary Exam. No problem with your marital status. But I advise everyone to check the criteria of specific job requirements before applying.

So, friends here you can get help to get prepared for your cabin crew interview. Check out the latest Air India cabin crew interview question and answer list for freshers.

I hope you can successfully attend the Air India cabin crew interview. Now you need to get prepared yourself for a cabin crew interview. For any interview suggestions and tips, you can check out the Aviation interview suggestion section’s top aviation jobs.

If you have any more queries, please contact us from our Contact Us page, you can comment below or contact our Facebook page under the same name.

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17 thoughts on “Air India Cabin Crew Interview for Fresher in March 2025 – Full Details”

  1. Wow! This is an amazing blog post! I would love to apply to be a cabin crew member with Air India. Thank you for writing this!

  2. I am selected for cabin crew in Chandigarh but after that I did not receive any email. What should I do? Kindly suggest me.

  3. Hello sir, I have a middle gap in my teeths, with a beautiful face.
    Is it a reason that they should not select me!!!

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